We are surrounded by lists but do not realise it. Even those who hate creating lists cannot do without them. We no longer have gigantic telephone directories (which were again massive lists of phone numbers), but we do have contact lists on our phone. Memorizing phone numbers is a big hassle but there is no need for it- it is easily available in our contact lists on our mobile phones. We had the links we want to revisit to our Favourites in our web browser.
Personally, I was never considered myself as a list maker for the longest possible time. However, I observed that I was always creating or using lists- be it for my work, studies, buying groceries or placing an order for a list of items online. Once, I observed this, I delved a bit further and realised why I loved creating lists. I had created an Instagram post on the many benefits that I observed by creating lists. You can check it out here.
In this post, I would like to share some ideas for some of the lists we can create to simplify and organise our lives.
Instead of adding the list of lists randomly, I have organised the lists I frequently use by category. Some of them will have an overlap with some other categories but bear with me, it is organised in such a way just for the ease of viewing. You can keep the lists in any category of your choosing. So here they are:
Password list: We have several passwords for each of our accounts and we need to keep changing them every now and then. Why pressurise our brains to store all of that information? It can be easily stored as a secure list.
List of Deadlines: Every month, I note down all the work and personal deadlines that I have. Not only does this keep me on track, but also, helps me not miss any important deadline.
Checklists: If my work requires that I follow a series of multiple complex steps, the easiest way to get things done right is to follow the checklist and tick as and when I complete the step/action.
List of Talking Points: This is a very important part of preparing for meetings and performance reviews. I usually just jot down a list of things I need to discuss, so that I do not miss out anything important and also make meetings efficient. If you would like to learn more about how to prepare and run great meetings, please do let me know in the comments section.
Master To-Do list and a To-Do List: These are probably the most common lists created by most people. For those who may not be very familiar, master to-do list consists of a running list of things that we need to do, and we keep adding to it as and when they pop-up into our heads. To-Do lists can be weekly or daily that lists tasks that we need to tackle/accomplish in a given week. Items from Master To-Do lists usually end up featuring in the weekly/daily list. Let me know in the comments section, if you are interested in creating effective to-do lists.
Meal Plan and Grocery List: As the name suggests, meal plan is a list of meals that would be prepared the entire week and grocery list is a list of groceries you need to prepare the meals that you have planned. Both help in saving time in preparing meals and effective grocery shopping.
Packing List: This is a list of things to pack for a travel or trip. I have this further divided into sub-lists. There is a standard set of things we need to pack no matter where we travel and then there are some which are required based on where we are traveling- within the country or not, weather in the place we are going to etc. This really unburdens the mind and prevents last minute stress.
List of Medications with expiry dates: It is so important to take stock of our first aid boxes and medical kits to make sure all the meds are well within the expiry dates. Tablets and capsules in blister packs with expiry dates printed on them tend to be lost if we take a pill which has the expiry date on it- can be easily mitigated with a list of meds with expiry dates.
Workout List: I like to try a variety of work outs and a variety of asanas while doing Yoga. A list of workouts helps me plan and mix it up as well, without spending too much time in thinking about it.
Things to be grateful for: Maintaining a list of this can help uplift your spirits whenever you are low.
Personal Development and Growth:
Inspirational Quotes: It is helpful to maintain a list of quotes and passages to keep handy and spend a minute to read a few at the start of the day to keep oneself motivated.
Educational Resources: In today's world, it is very important to keep ourselves up to date with latest developments in areas of our interest and acquire new skills and knowledge. This list may be further divided into educational videos, online courses, podcasts, books etc.
List of Affirmations: I have recently started this practice of affirmations. Initially, it did feel very weird but as time elapsed, it feels more and more natural to say them out loud. Whether it is a set of generalized affirmations or a set of affirmations you have written for yourself, it is important to maintain a list handy so that whenever we are low or need a quick self-recognition or boost, it is readily available.
List of Accomplishments: I started keeping this list for work on a monthly basis so that whenever there is a performance review, I don't spend time wondering what I have accomplished. I have carried this habit into my personal life as well and I now maintain a robust list of things I have accomplished. This helps me take stock of how far I have come and how much progress I have made when it may not seem obvious.
Bucket List: This is basically a list of experiences/achievements one would like to accomplish in their lifetime. It helps us stay inspired, dream big and also at some level helps us take small steps to work towards achieving it at some point in our lifetime.
List of Goals: This is a smaller list of what we want to achieve in a defined span of time. It gives us something to look forward to and strive towards. I write these annually and set daily intentions which will steer me in this direction.
List of Our Skill Set: This is a list of skills we have acquired over time. This can not only go a long way in discussion at the time of your performance review and your CV and job interview, but also helps you know where you stand- if there are any gaps or areas where you need to develop more or whether you are already at an expert level and see how you can leverage these skills.
Important Dates: It is very important for me personally to celebrate or greet my close friends and family on their birthdays, anniversaries or any other important life milestones. It could be a long list of dates to remember. I prefer putting it down on a list so that it relieves the brain from storing this information. I also use this list to remember the loved ones who are no longer amongst us any more.
Gift Ideas: During conversations with our friends or family members, sometimes we are able to come up with gift ideas or cues for gift ideas and at that moment we think of a great gift idea for them but their birthdays/anniversaries/festivals and milestones are still some time away. I like to note these ideas down as a list so that when the time comes, I don't have to think too much. In case they already get what I want to gift them, it is still an idea which may be useful for someone else.
These are self-explanatory so I will not really go into details of explaining them:
List of books to read
List of to-watch movies/ recommendations received for movies
List of TV show recommendations
Wish list- A list of things you wish to buy/experience
I am sure that there are ton of other lists and other categories of lists which may have more lists. This post is just based on my list making habits. Please let me know in the comments what other lists do you create which has been proven to be useful.