In today’s technological world, writing by hand or handwriting is slowly becoming obsolete, especially with tech-savvy people. While there are pros and cons to both typing and handwriting, the latter has some important proven benefits which are yet to be shown in typing. Below are just a few of the many benefits:
1. Improves critical thinking, creativity and ideation
Unlike typing, handwriting involves creating letters by hand which utilises not only the parts of brain responsible for creativity and ideation but also critical thinking and is said to improve creativity, generation of new ideas as well as improve evaluation of situations in an analytical manner.
2. It is personal and speaks a lot about one
Unlike fonts which would be more or less the same across different people using a particular font, handwriting is personal with each individual having their own style. Not sure if you have read some crime novels/shows where a person’s personality had been derived by just an analysis of handwriting.
3. Improves focus and retention (especially while studying)
From my personal experience, I can vouch that I find it easier to focus on a task or studying if I am writing as I study as the amount of distraction is lower and my brain is actively engaged. It also helps me remember what I have read and I write while actively recalling what I have read.
4. Provides Graphical Freedom
It is easier to draw diagram, flow charts etc with minimum effort while handwriting notes when compared to typing notes in a class or during important phone calls and presentations related to work. Try it!
5. Slows Ageing of brain
Practising handwriting on a regular basis is said to sharpen the mind, and keep neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s at bay, as handwriting has been found to stimulate the brain.
6. Helps manage/maintain mental health
Big problems seem small when penned on paper. The act of journaling with pen and paper can calm the brain down, help in introspection and reflection.
7. We can actually learn spellings
We have all been so spoilt with the autocorrect and spell-check while typing that we sometimes fail to realise that we actually do not know or have forgotten some spellings. While handwriting, we do not have the luxury of these features, so we consciously or subconsciously make an effort to learn spellings correctly.
Hope these benefits will motivate and encourage people to start handwriting more. If you are a typing junkie, try writing!